




1. 桑拿技师:要求具备相关专业证书,熟练掌握桑拿操作技巧,具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识。

2. 按摩师:要求具备相关专业证书,熟练掌握按摩手法,具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识。

3. 顾问:要求具备较强的沟通能力和销售技巧,有相关工作经验者优先。

4. 前台接待:要求具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识,形象气质佳。

5. 市场专员:要求具备较强的市场分析和策划能力,有相关工作经验者优先。


1. 底薪+提成:根据岗位及个人能力,提供具有竞争力的薪资待遇。

2. 带薪培训:公司为员工提供系统的培训,助力员工成长。

3. 节日福利:公司定期举办员工活动,发放节日福利。

4. 期权激励:公司为优秀员工提供期权激励,共同分享公司发展成果。


1. 品牌优势:长沙皇家桑拿拥有良好的品牌口碑,加盟后可快速提升知名度。

2. 技术优势:公司拥有一支专业的技术团队,为加盟店提供全方位的技术支持。

3. 管理优势:公司提供完善的加盟政策和管理体系,确保加盟店稳健运营。

4. 市场优势:公司拥有丰富的市场资源和营销经验,助力加盟店拓展市场。



### 1. 芙蓉区


– **海阔浴都**:位于韶山南路/新中路口/铁道学院对面,提供洗澡、蒸桑拿、洗脚、看表演等全方位服务,夜晚还可以在大厅过夜。
– **碧海蓝天**:位于白沙路白沙井附近,条件舒适,设施齐全。

### 2. 岳麓区


– **大浪淘沙浴场**:地址在五一大道419号,设施先进,服务一流。

### 3. 雨花区


– **碧涛阁洗浴广场长沙店**:位于芙蓉中路一段306号,环境舒适,服务优质。

### 4. 长沙县


– **德政园小区洗浴中心**:位于德政园醉心苑12栋1楼,设施齐全,环境优雅。

### 5. 开福区


– **长沙桑拿汗蒸会所**:提供多种桑拿服务,环境舒适,服务周到。

### 6. 天心区


– **天心区足疗按摩会所**:提供足疗、按摩、桑拿等服务,环境优雅,服务一流。

### 7. 岳麓区足疗spa按摩会所


### 8. 雨花区足疗养生馆


### 9. 长沙县桑拿汗蒸馆



1. 选择正规、卫生的桑拿场所。
2. 注意桑拿过程中的安全,避免过度出汗导致身体不适。
3. 桑拿前后适当补充水分,保持身体水分平衡。
4. 桑拿过程中如有不适,请及时告知工作人员。















1. 预约服务:为了方便顾客,长沙高端桑拿提供预约服务。顾客可通过电话、网络等方式提前预约,确保您的尊享体验。

2. 洗浴中心:长沙高端桑拿的洗浴中心设施齐全,提供多种洗浴方式,如桑拿、冲浪、泡池等,满足不同顾客的需求。

3. 按摩中心:长沙高端桑拿拥有经验丰富的按摩师,为您提供全身按摩、局部按摩、足疗、油压等多种服务,帮助您缓解疲劳,放松身心。



1. 桑拿:通过高温蒸汽,使身体毛孔扩张,加速新陈代谢,有助于排出体内毒素,达到养生保健的效果。

2. 冲浪:冲浪池采用循环水系统,水质清澈,让您在冲浪的过程中,充分感受水流的按摩,舒缓身心。

3. 泡池:长沙高端桑拿设有多种泡池,如瑶池、药浴池等,泡池中的温泉水含有多种矿物质,对肌肤和身体健康具有很好的保养作用。

4. 美容护理:长沙高端桑拿提供专业的美容护理服务,如面部护理、身体护理等,帮助您焕发青春活力。




















1. 独特环境:长沙高原桑拿馆采用高原岩石为材料,营造出类似高原的生态环境,让人仿佛置身于大自然的怀抱。

2. 专业设备:高原桑拿馆配备先进的桑拿设备,包括桑拿房、汗蒸房、冰疗房等,满足不同人群的需求。

3. 多样化服务:套餐内包含多种服务,如中式按摩、足疗、拔罐等,让您在桑拿的同时,享受全方位的身心放松。

4. 个性化定制:根据客户需求,提供个性化桑拿套餐,满足不同人群的体验需求。

5. 专业团队:高原桑拿馆拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队,为您提供贴心的服务,确保您的体验无忧。


1. 入馆登记:提前预约后,凭预约信息到馆登记,领取桑拿用品。

2. 休息区休息:在桑拿前,先在休息区休息,让身体逐渐适应桑拿环境。

3. 桑拿体验:进入桑拿房,按照专业人员的指导,享受高温桑拿带来的身心焕新。

4. 休息区放松:桑拿结束后,到休息区喝一杯清凉饮料,舒缓身心。

5. 其他服务:根据个人需求,选择中式按摩、足疗、拔罐等服务。


1. 改善血液循环:高温桑拿有助于加速血液循环,提高身体抵抗力。

2. 促进新陈代谢:桑拿过程中,人体会大量出汗,有助于排除体内毒素,促进新陈代谢。

3. 缓解压力:高温环境有助于放松身心,缓解压力,提高睡眠质量。

4. 改善皮肤状况:桑拿过程中,皮肤毛孔扩张,有助于清洁毛孔,改善皮肤状况。


Jiao Fei has asked Xu Xianshi that there should be hundreds of people on the fourth floor of Yun Jixing’s refining gas, but on the fifth floor of refining gas, it is only twenty or thirty years since those secluded people were born. He thought it over and understood the reason.

But YunJiXing is JiaoFei and PangWei passing by for a temporary stop, and it doesn’t matter that the Godsworn’s mana is like JiaoFei. Xu Xian imitated the boat for half a day, and felt that it was too slow, so he released the fourteen old dragons’ recent sacrifice to a group of five clouds. This instrument is not like the one that JiaoFei obtained at the beginning, and the name is different.
This five-cloud-pocket is a real dragon gang cloud beast refining body. There are 19 moire patterns that are refined by fourteen old dragons and turned into one equivalent to the 19-fold forbidden flying escape instrument Jiao Fei. This five-cloud-pocket wrapped Xu Xian’s master ship and drank it together, and immediately turned it into a dragon-shaped cloud and flew out for hundreds of miles. This is really a surprise. Xu Xian-shi thought, "It seems that these two Taoist friends are not only powerful but also rich. I don’t know what is the origin? Would be so much so rich … "
Jiao Fei pushed this five-cloud bag to the Tianzi border in half a day. On this day, our country is not like the Kamikaze country, which has more than a thousand islands. Tianzi country occupies a land border of Yu Wanli, and there are more than ten giant islands larger than Kamikaze island, where the capital of Kamikaze country is located. Therefore, the national strength is dozens of times that of Kamikaze country, which can serve as a great fairy teacher like the Five ancients.
Xu Guangping’s self-sustaining status naturally won’t go to see anything. The Lord of Tianzi directly led Jiao Fei and others to Leye Island, where the five ancients lived. This island is extremely huge. In Tianzi, the country ranks third, and two small mountains crisscross into a cross. The five ancients built a palace where the two mountains crisscross, which is one hundred times more magnificent than Xiaguang Island where Xu Xianshi lived.
However, when Jiao Fei and his party urged the colorful clouds to fly to Leye Island, the five ancient people had long been alarmed. Looking at this colorful clouds, they were surprisingly busy driving the light-escaping flight and half-sipped, "Who is the Taoist friend here?"
Although Xu Guangping thought that he was not familiar with flying the "Boluo Flame", it was not easy to arouse the misunderstanding of the Five Ancient People. He was busy grinding his teeth and flying the light out of the Five Clouds. He also planned that his mana was not good. In case he couldn’t control this baby, he was still ready to drive the wind, but the Taoist pure yang mantra was much more convenient and faster than magic. His feet turned into a golden light and flew to the Five Ancient People like a golden mirror.
Five ancient people were so frightened that they released their own bite of Huang Longjian for protection. It was because they were worried about whether Huang Longjian could resist, but suddenly a familiar voice greeted him and said, "Five ancient predecessors have not seen their predecessors in Xu Guangping for many years as usual, and obviously their mana has entered the country."
When the five ancients saw that they were acquaintances, they were not only more horrified, but also thought to themselves, "Is it because Xu Guangping had some adventure and became a powerful Taoist, trying to seize the inheritance of Happy Night Island?"
Xu Guangping saw that the five ancients looked unhappy and the old-timer was angry. He didn’t dare to offend the old-timer. After all, the five ancients were the three immortals of Yunjixing, Wang Yiyi, and Huang Longjian was also called elusive. Yunjixing was also a powerful instrument. He hurriedly reckon, "There are two Taoist friends who came to me to ask for another help. They want to ask for two golden lotus flowers from their predecessors and are willing to reward them."
Hearing Xu Guangping’s words, the five ancients calmed down a little, and their eyes looked at Wuyunduan as if they wanted to see through this multiplier, but Jiao Fei and Pang Wei were so powerful? Adding this five-cloud bag is also extraordinary, but the atmosphere in the sixteenth floor of the plough has become a climate cloud. Where is the fifth floor of his refining gas that can be seen through?
Jiao Fei didn’t want to offend Brother Yun Jixing too much, so his arrogance is unique in the eyes of people like him. He divided the five-color auspicious clouds into steps like a slow blink of an eye and walked to the front of the five ancients. He bowed slightly and said, "Jiao Fei has seen people, and my brother Pang Wei heard that people have come to ask for the golden lotus of the Nine Clouds for permission because he is afraid to take the liberty. This is why Xu Xianshi was asked to be a middleman and still hoped that people would not abandon arrogance!"
Five ancient people just came to my senses, and my face was expressionless. I laughed. "How can three Taoist friends come to the five ancient places? Is there any dislike to take the liberty?" Three Taoist friends, please ask me to call my cousin for tea! "
Five ancients built a higher layer of Jiao Fei than Xu Guangping, and deliberately let him out of his life. He immediately knew that the two men were far away from him. Why didn’t they be horrified? The hospitality is naturally more enthusiastic, and both sides sit at Jiao Fei’s convenience door and say, "I want a few golden lotus flowers, but I also know that this thing is precious, so I am willing to give a generous gift to each other. I don’t know if anyone hates this gift!"
Jiao Fei set off a magic spell, and a thousand magic spells flew out of Sinochem. A pair of multicolored copper Ge Jiaofei pointed to these two things and said, "I got this thing from an elder, and it’s also very powerful, especially it’s the best to lock other flying swords. I wonder if the elder thinks it’s worth a few golden lotus flowers?"
Five ancient people hesitated for a long time before saying, "It’s not the five ancient difficulties, but I already have a Huanglong sword, and I don’t really need this kind of multiplier … If two people are willing to give away all the seven golden lotus flowers in their hands."
Jiao Fei was greatly surprised and pondered slightly. Five ancients saw that Jiao Fei didn’t directly refuse my heart. It was also a dark feeling. "I don’t know what sect this man came from, but he is so rich. Although this colorful bronze statue is fierce, it seems that it won’t be taller than my Huang Longjian. But the mystery of his colorful auspicious cloud is very true and rare. Xu Guangping’s mana has not increased. Maybe he lied to these two suckers and lobbyists. Even he can get such a powerful instrument. Why can’t I get better?"
Jiao Fei pondered for a long time, but it was still difficult. In fact, although this five-cloud pocket for him is not as endless as the big curse of demons, he has as much at hand as possible. Now, the fourteen old dragon workers have sacrificed more than ten pieces of his work. This one is not a good one, but it is 30 moiré that is the essence.
But if you don’t make such a gesture, he will naturally lose a little.
Pang Wei said, "This golden lotus is a rare thing in the world. I wonder if the five ancients can promise?"
Five ancient people were slightly surprised and thought, "My nine-day golden lotus is the most powerful forbidden method. If they turn against me and rob me there, I will be more resistant." He thought of this and generously promised to bring a threesome to a hall. He reached out and pointed to the ban and immediately revealed a huge well in the hall.
Jiao Fei and Pang Wei naturally followed the five ancients with ease and fear. This giant well really saw several acres of Lingquan at the bottom of the well. In Lingquan, more than ten nine-color lotus plants grew, three or four of which were not in full bloom.
Jiao Fei saw ha ha and smiled. "This nine-day lotus is really wonderful, and there is such a spiritual spring to feed it. I am afraid that it will die in a blink of an eye."
The ancients were slightly proud of their heart. "It’s also because you know that this thing can’t be transplanted. It’s also because I am happy that the spirit spring of Night Island can nourish this nine-day golden lotus."
Jiao Fei thought in his heart that he reached out and laughed. "Since the five ancients were so generous, I will give these seven golden lotus flowers away from the five-color Xiangyun."
Chapter 52 XuanYaoDao people
Five ancient people’s eyes stared out and looked at Jiao Fei, who uprooted the seven golden lotus flowers at nine. With a move, he earned a waist gourd and almost stormed to follow focus to fly to the death. So he also brought tears when he spoke. "Jiao Fei Daoyou, I mean, sending you seven golden lotus flowers at nine doesn’t make you uproot them! Didn’t you cut me off? "
Jiao Fei ha ha smiled. "So I can feed myself and save time, and then I can ask Daoyou for information. Don’t Daoyou still have seven beards that are so depressed? I’ll give you that pair of multicolored bronze pigeons."
Five ancient people were heartbroken, but just now Jiao Fei randomly pulled out his seven nine-lotus plants. He set a ban and was motionless. Obviously, it was Jiao Fei who didn’t know what mana to suppress the operation. He finally knew that these two people could knock off their teeth and swallow blood. He muttered to himself, "This is a loss, and this is a loss …" Jiao Fei smiled, but he was also very surprised. He left the colorful copper with the five-cloud pocket and the thousand-magic spell.
Although the ancients still loathe to give up the seven lotus plants with nine flowers every 500 years, they can bear a lotus flower and be used as medicine. In another 500 years, they can grow continuously. Although the five clouds and colorful copper bars presented by Jiao Fei are also rare and valuable, they are always better than such a panacea, but the five ancients can afford to put them up for nearly a thousand years after all, and they are not lucky and Jiao Fei. After all, they have left him half of the nine lotus flowers for a long time. After all, they have swallowed this spirit and smiled bitterly. "These two instruments are really precious, but they still can’t compare with my seven golden lotus plants. Since Taoist friends have to snatch them by force, I also know that if you don’t come back, you can count them as a discount if you want Taoist friends to help me with one little thing. I would also like to present Taoist friends with a pair of prescriptions, which are made by ancient immortals, and I can’t get together the raw materials, so I can’t refine the pills. "
Jiao Fei plans to take these seven nine-lotus plants, and then he will find two other companies to beg for thousands of welcome luminous grass and nine yezhi orchids. When he heard that five ancients wanted to help him do one thing by themselves, he thoughtfully smiled to himself. "Ok!" I promised Daoyou, after all, that this matter was strong, but I don’t know what made Daoyou’s repair so difficult. "
Five ancients sighed, "It’s a little shameful to say. Xu Daoyou also knows that there is a big demon in the border of Tianzi. Even I can’t resist it because of the ban on Leye Island. This can be regarded as barely holding on, and he has also robbed the Golden Lotus of Nine for several times. If Daoyou can help me get rid of this scourge, I will be willing to send it."
Xu Guangping’s slightly shocked look is also complicated. He took a look at Jiao Fei and said, "This big demon is fierce and cruel. I don’t know how many koo people have been killed, but my Kamikaze country also suffered. My master died in that year, and even the body was chewed by this big demon hand. I hate my power and my humble roots. I didn’t dare to raise revenge thoughts, but I failed the master’s teachings."
Jiao Fei smiled slightly. "So it’s a big demon. Does it not matter if the four of us join hands to make it go? I still have some urgent things to do, but I don’t know how long it will take?"
Hearing Jiao Fei’s willingness to make moves, the ancient people suddenly became busy with his face lit up and said, "It’s not necessary for two Taoist friends to bother that monster beast to come to Tianzi Wufeng Island every month to kill marine fish. It’s time for another three days."
Jiao Fei smiled and promised that the five ancients were immediately overjoyed. Our country had been plagued by this monster beast for more than a thousand years, and even he could not bear to be harassed. Fortunately, the prototype of this monster beast was a strange fish in the sea, and he was unable to fly well. He escaped several times because of Huang Longjian, but in recent decades, the magical power of that big demon has become more and more amazing.
Jiao Fei calculated the time and thought that the five ancients asked for a quiet room and Pang Wei to practice.
Jiao Fei got the Golden Lotus of Nine Clouds. He stole a glance to see the seven golden lotus of Nine Clouds transplanted by him in the bottle gourd pool of Yin and Yang. Sure enough, these seven golden lotus of Nine Clouds got abundant vitality and moistened the flowers. Jiao Fei thought about it and didn’t pick it. If someone didn’t pick the flowers, it would never fail, and it would increase the efficacy of the elixir.
Now the Monty Boy goes out to do things. Fourteen old dragons are toiling in the too-empty robes. It’s also refreshing to look at his own possession at will. Seeing Monty Boy really takes care of it seriously, especially when the fourteen old dragons have worked so hard and sacrificed and refined, a dragon boat with seven changes is obviously reserved for convenience at any time.
Jiao Fei smiled and said, "Monty boy didn’t come back until he didn’t know when he went to suck the magnetic essence. This boy is also interesting at ordinary times, and he is quite unaccustomed."
Jiao Fei remembered the five ancient people’s way of thinking that the prescription must be a first-class good thing, so he happily took it out to watch it, but after looking at it, Jiao Fei confessed that it was a shock and immediately meditated.
This prescription called Baibai Dan is extremely rare, but this Baibai Dan is not a growth elixir, but a prescription that can poison monks. The five ancients didn’t know the origin of this prescription, but Jiao Fei actually heard of the origin of Baibai Dan. Speaking of it, the origin of Baibai Dan is also related to his other master, the ice Taoist.




1. 桑拿技师:要求具有相关工作经验,熟练掌握桑拿房操作流程,具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识。

2. 保洁员:要求身体健康,能适应夜班工作,责任心强,有相关工作经验者优先。

3. 前台接待:要求形象气质佳,具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识,具备一定的计算机操作能力。

4. 销售专员:要求具有较强的市场拓展能力和沟通能力,有相关工作经验者优先。


1. 桑拿技师:底薪+提成,月收入5000-10000元不等。

2. 保洁员:底薪+绩效,月收入3000-5000元不等。

3. 前台接待:底薪+提成,月收入3500-8000元不等。

4. 销售专员:底薪+提成,月收入4000-15000元不等。


1. 工作时间:实行两班倒制,每班12小时。

2. 休息时间:每月休息4天,具体安排根据实际情况而定。


1. 提供免费住宿及餐补。

2. 每年一次免费体检。

3. 享有国家法定节假日及带薪年假。

4. 定期组织员工活动,丰富员工业余生活。






Over the years, the two men have gradually lost their former status in their respective clans, and they are no longer the core brothers.

There is little fairy king in Feixianmen and Gankun Courtyard who is willing to leave to escort them.
After all, at present, Fengtian is not very attractive to the strong fairy king.
Which fairy king met two ruined real brothers and traveled a long way to serve heaven?
The two men also encountered many dangers along the way, but fortunately, they were lucky and finally arrived in Fengtian successfully.
Coming from the middle school, looking at the people coming and going in Fengtian Island, a shock appeared on both faces.
This island is home to 3,000 top fairy kings, and the strong can be seen everywhere!
The nine-day congress is a rare sight in heaven, but it is dwarfed by the sight.
Not far away, a dazzling golden light broke through and a pair of golden wings slowly stretched out to reveal a perfectly symmetrical body.
Those golden feathers are like swords with shining golden light, reflecting that men’s beauty is more noble than their faces.
Dream Yao low head preoccupied silent not?
"What’s the matter?"
Yuehua sword fairy noticed the dream Yao strange frown and asked.
Mengyao felt the hustle and bustle around her and felt that she was out of place with Fengtian Island. In addition, she felt lost and uninterested when she saw the stars holding the moon.
A thought flashed through her mind that she wanted to leave here quickly and return to Feixianmen and never show up again for life.
"I want to go back."
Dream Yao suddenly said
"Go back?"
Yuet sword fairy face a heavy see dream yao heart sneer at a way "where can you go back? Go back to Feixianmen and continue to bear the same supercilious look and criticism? Continue to silently endure the coldness of the elders of Zongmen? "
Dream Yao squints slightly and clenches his fists.
Over the years, although the monks have not said anything in front of her, they have not talked less about it behind her back, which is clear to her.
Sneaking and laughing at the criticism of Yue Hua Jian Xian’s mouth really poked a sore spot in Meng Yao’s heart!
Yuet Moon Sword Fairy said, "We’ve all arrived here. Are we going to get cold feet? No matter whether you succeed or not, you have to give it a try. "
"Look around these really strong spirits and listen to those arrogant people who are discussed in their mouths."
Yuet Moon Sword Fairy pointed around and said excitedly, "If we are in the fairy land, where can we see these true spirits come into contact with so many strong people?"
"Meng Yao, this is a rare opportunity for you and me!"
"If we grasp that you and I have recovered from the injury, it is possible to take this opportunity to make friends and get to know many true spirits in the super world."






1. 专业性:长沙桑拿泳池设施供应商拥有一支专业的技术团队,具备丰富的设计、安装、维护经验,能够为客户提供一站式服务。

2. 创新性:长沙桑拿泳池设施供应商紧跟行业发展趋势,不断创新产品,为客户提供时尚、实用的设施。

3. 服务至上:长沙桑拿泳池设施供应商始终坚持以客户为中心,为客户提供优质、贴心的服务,确保客户满意度。


1. 产品质量:长沙桑拿泳池设施供应商注重产品质量,选用优质原材料,确保产品安全、耐用。

2. 设计理念:长沙桑拿泳池设施供应商结合客户需求,提供个性化设计方案,打造独具特色的休闲场所。

3. 售后服务:长沙桑拿泳池设施供应商提供完善的售后服务,为客户提供终身维护保障。

